Welcome to the Washington EV Charging Program, where we're driving change for a cleaner, greener future. The Washington State Department of Commerce’s mission is simple: to reduce emissions, improve air quality and promote equitable access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Funded by the Climate Commitment Act, this program’s first round of grants was awarded to public agencies, utilities, tribal and non-profit organizations to install more than 5,000 EV chargers in apartment buildings, parks, libraries and underserved communities across the state. Other site types are also eligible for awards including workplaces and fleet depots. A wide variety of costs are eligible to be covered by this program to upgrade local infrastructure and help communities transition to an EV future.

At the heart of our program is a strong focus on environmental justice. We believe in achieving the highest environmental quality and health outcomes for all, while targeting investments in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by pollution and need assistance installing EV infrastructure. Transparency and accountability are key to our approach, ensuring meaningful community engagement and fair decision-making.
Join us on this exciting journey towards expanded EV charging at public locations, multifamily housing, fleet depots and workplaces throughout Washington. Together, we can make a real difference by reducing emissions, improving air quality and promoting equal access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Sign up for our mailing list to receive the latest program updates and review our Frequently Asked Questions to see if your organization or site is eligible for the Washington Electric Vehicle Charging Program.
Commerce plans to have another round of grants this biennium and details will be announced. Sign up for this Commerce email list and check the “clean energy programs” to receive updates about the charging program.
Funding Results
Move Washington’s transition to electric vehicles forward by awarding approximately $100,000,000 in grants for installing electric vehicle charging.
This program will help install EV chargers in:
- Urban, suburban, rural and tribal communities
- Multifamily housing developments
- Locations that fill gaps in the current EV charging station network
- Workplaces and fleet depots
Commerce plans to have another round of grants this biennium and details will be announced. Sign up for this Commerce email list and check the “clean energy programs” to receive updates about the charging program.
Additionally, the program intends to achieve these goals:
At least 10% of funding awarded/ports installed to projects led by/partnered with tribal governments or entities and located on tribal lands.
Average project completion time is 250 days for Level 2 chargers and 550 days for Level 3 chargers.
Support labor and workforce development by promoting the adoption of project labor agreements for the installation labor and encouraging the training/education of electrician apprentices on program-funded EV charging stations